Is PCR enough? A comprehensive approach to quality control in the brewery.

John Giarratano & Nicole Balistreri – Inland Island Yeast Laboratories

Over the past decade Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) has become a trusted tool for breweries large and small who wish to screen their products for contamination before packaging and distribution. Many breweries have purchased PCR platforms to get quick yes or no answers to the presence of diastatic yeast, hop resistant bacteria or foreign yeast species such as Brettanomyces. However, not all PCR platforms are created equal, and even with high end instruments where quantitative analysis is possible, there is a potential for contaminants to be present whose genes are not targeted.

In this presentation, John Giarratano from Inland Island Yeast Laboratories, along with Nicole Balistreri, will dive into potential pitfalls to trusting PCR alone. Additionally, examples of contaminant organisms that are not tagged by traditional PCR primers will be discussed as well as inexpensive alternatives such as plating that can be used alongside PCR to increase detection.

The Elite Line Experimental Public Hop Breeding Program (+ you!)

Eric Sannerud –  Sannerud Hop Consulting

Hops named XYZ-123 are taking brewhouses across the country by storm – but these experimental hops really are experimental! Welcome to the Elite Line Experimental Public Hop Breeding Program! In this session you’ll learn the basics of the USDA’s public hop breeding program, get a deep dive into why your role as brewers is critical to this public program’s success, and how you can get involved. Get ready to dive into this sensory session full of hop-talk and sensory analysis.

An Update on Thiols: New Information on Ingredients and Process Variables

Nick Harris – Berkeley Yeast

Are you ready to talk about one of the hottest brewing topics of the day? THIOLS. The presentation will start with an introduction to cover what thiols are, where they come from, and how their concentrations can be manipulated during the brewing process. New data from controlled experiments conducted with multiple replicates will be shared. These experiments assess the efficacy of hopping during the mash, whirlpool, and at different time points during fermentation. Additional experiments illuminate the concept of thiol potential. Brewers will walk away with the knowledge to precisely control and target specific thiol concentrations to produce beers that vary along a tropical-flavor spectrum. The information in this presentation will be useful for breweries of all sizes and it will greatly expand on what is currently known about thiols.

Beer Soluble Hop Compounds: Translating Raw Hop Aroma to Finished Beer Aroma

Tessa Schilaty, Sensory and Brewing Research Manager – Yakima Chief Hops

The problem of translating raw hop aroma to finished beer aroma has been a brewing pinch point for years. Utilizing cutting-edge lab and sensory analysis, Yakima Chief Hops is working to bridge the gap. Join Steve Thompson as he helps unlock the science behind beer solubility and offers practical advice to help brewers translate maximum aroma from raw hop to finished product. A three-stage sensory experience will be part of the training, starting with training on the isolated reference standards for the survivable compounds, followed by a hop rub to identify these compounds in raw hop form, and concluding with a beer sensory training that shows how these compounds translate into the finished beer.

Tessa Schilaty, a Seattleite with extensive international brewery experience, holds an MSc in Brewing and Distilling from Heriot-Watt University and a Post Graduate Certificate in Sensory and Consumer Science from PennState. Currently, she serves as the Sensory and Brewing Research Manager at YCH, where she leads the brewing research program with a focus on beer sensory analysis.

Optimizing Yeast Propagation Systems for Brewery Success

Matthew Peetz – Propagate Lab 

Isabel Gareau – QA/QC Manager, Great Divide Brewing

Are you ready to talk about how to design and implement an efficient yeast propagation system? As you know, yeast plays a pivotal role in fermentation, flavor profiles, consistency, and beer quality. Establishing a well-designed propagation system is paramount for achieving consistent and true-to-style beers.

In this seminar we will walk through effective processes and management techniques to develop and implement a sustainable and effective propagation system. We will discuss key considerations for setup, QA/QC operation and day-to-day practices, as well as discuss best practices in maintaining your propagation system.

Navigating the Future of The Hop Market

Eric Sannerud – Sannerud Hop Consulting

When did you start brewing? The American hop market is entering a new era: farmers are reducing acreage to try and address an oversupply which is causing market disturbances not seen in over a decade. 85% of American breweries opened after the hop market collapse of 2009 and have never experienced a hop market with this level of uncertainty. This presentation will prepare you for what might be next in the American hop market through expert insight and analysis on the state of the American hop industry as well as establish options for your brewery to flourish through the uncertainty.

Big Quality Energy: Big Quality Without Big Expense

Emily Tietje-Wang – Fermly: Craft Beer Laboratory

Dollar signs and uncomfortable conversations come to mind when someone mentions “quality” in a brewery, but this needn’t be the case. Understanding what priorities are already being utilized in the brewery and how they can be expanded upon to improve process, communication, and standards can create a quality culture, rather than quality fears. 

In this seminar, learn how to build/budget/accentuate your quality program, develop an accountability structure, and the equipment to back it up. Walk away with immediately applicable tips and tricks so you can quality with confidence!

Electrical Safety & Compliance in Breweries

Tony McCrimmon – Brewery Safety Consulting

New requirements for electrical equipment maintenance & Code changes for GFCI and water resistant equipment. Content is rated for beginner to advanced.

Part 1: Does NFPA 70B Standard for Electrical Equipment Maintenance matter? 

Yes, it’s time to assess how the new NFPA required standard of electrical maintenance plans will impact your facility and the changes you need to implement to keep your brewery compliant. NFPA 70B details the preventive maintenance for electrical, electronic and communication systems equipment used to prevent equipment failures and worker injuries. Is existing equipment grandfathered in? No, it is not, so now is the time to talk about what we need to do and how to keep your brewery compliant.

Part 2: GFCIs & Water-Resistant Equipment: What Code requires, how they work, how they can be ruined, and why we need them.

As part of this discussion, I will debunk the myths and legends of GFCI operations; what they need to work properly and what can be done to them which causes malfunctions or outright failure. We’ll demonstrate operating characteristics with live electricity, review the water-resistant equipment including what needs to be used to install and assemble GFCIs and discuss the legal aspects of “must use” versus “should use” in compliance.


Where did the cash go? How to sell more beer without draining your bank account.

Derek Smith, Lead Brewery Consultant – Small Batch Standard

It isn’t 2015 anymore. As the craft industry has plateaued, running a profitable brewery has become more and more challenging each year. Join Small Batch Standard’s Lead Brewery Consultant, Derek Smith, as he digs deep to understand why this is and, more importantly, the strategic changes owners need to make in order to sell the right beer, to the right consumers, at the right margins, to generate cash and finally get ahead.


How Quality Content Drives the Marketing Mix

Chad Melis & Michael Eldridge – Turn It Up Media

Studio, lifestyle and product photography are all key ingredients in today’s digital media landscape. Whether it is your website, social media channels, paid advertising placements or earned media coverage – scroll stopping content is a must to elevate your brand above the rest. But in the modern day of short attention span scrolling, how does the investment in quality content provide ROI for your brand?

Learn about the fundamentals of an efficient content creation approach and explore how investing in quality content elevates your brand and fuels the marketing mix. Chad’s marketing perspective will lead a conversation with content creators, brand builders and media relations professionals to explore how to effectively approach creating content and leverage existing content through marketing efforts to differentiate and elevate your brand.

Led by experienced brewery brand builders Chad Melis & Michael Eldridge. Chad spent over a decade elevating the Oskar Blues Brewery brand and now runs the marketing collective Turn It Up Media, this presentation will provide a discussion for breweries to execute an effective content driven marketing strategy.

The Art of influencing: Using digital creators to grow your brand

Chea Franz – Indie Creative

Kimberly Irwin @denvershewrote

Aveeda Goodall @eatdrinketc

Tarah Runco @thebainmarie

Scrolling through Instagram you’ll likely catch numerous cooking videos or reels showcasing the most delectable bites around town. Suddenly, you have a hankering to make some banana pudding or you put in a reservation at the new neighborhood hot spot. You have been influenced! Influencers. Content creators. Brand partners. Whatever you call these digitally savvy marketers, they are imperative to the current landscape of social media content creation as brands look to stand out by building relevant and engaging content. Hear from a panel of experts who have cultivated and grown their social media following, get some tips and tricks on creating engaging and standout content, and learn best practices on how to work with influencers and digital creators.

We Need to Talk About Your Brewery's Website

Alison Wisneski, Director of Sales & Marketing – Lady Justice Brewing Co.

You might be using a social media page as your current website, or maybe it’s like Dunder Mifflin’s corporate website in The Office:  “Under Construction. Coming Christmas 2002!” But did you know not having a website that you’re updating regularly can hurt traffic inside your taproom, too? Let’s talk about your brewery’s website—what it needs, can you do it yourself, and what’s going to drive sales.


OSHA Regional Update & Overview of Current Emphasis Programs

Hector Tabares & Greg Gress – OSHA

Hear directly from OSHA and CSU Health & Safety Consultation staff on the current emphasis programs (yes there are now multiple) that may impact you as a brewery. They will go over the beverage emphasis program; the warehousing emphasis programs; statistics, inspections, and penalties, including the most common violations; and how CSU can help keep your employees safe and prepare for any type of OSHA inspection.
This seminar is for any brewery, but we strongly encourage those who have not gone through the CSU Consultation Program or had an OSHA emphasis inspection to attend.

Compliance Updates, Compliance Checks, & FAQs

Robert “Chas” Runco – Runco & Proffitt, P.C.

Join CBG’s legal counsel for a presentation of hot topics in the Colorado alcohol beverage marketplace. Chas will discuss the most common compliance issues for breweries and brew pubs, including licensing multiple locations, brand registrations, formulas, COLAs, contract brewing, festival and special event permits, selling/serving NA beers, and alternating proprietorships. Find out the compliance matters that often trip up brewers.

The second half of the presentation will discuss compliance checks and how to prepare for an LED visit and CDPHE inspection. We will NOT be discussing OSHA inspections. 

Come with questions! We will leave time to address any additional compliance questions.

Brewing Up Digital Armor: Safeguarding Your Craft Brewery in the Cyber Age

Matt Berluti, Manager – Wipfli

In our interconnected world, the craft brewing industry faces its share of evolving challenges in the form of cyber threats. To assist craft brewers in navigating this digital landscape, Matt Berluti, Manager at Wipfli, steps forward with a comprehensive cybersecurity presentation tailored expressly for this unique sector. Matt will expound on the current cybersecurity landscape, shedding light on the latest trends in cyber threats that could potentially target craft breweries. Ranging from ransomware assaults to data breaches, we will discuss practical strategies and optimal practices for mitigating cybersecurity risks. Including topics like employee training, secure network configurations, data safeguarding, and incident response planning, all fine-tuned to meet the unique needs and challenges faced by craft brewers.

Bringing Music to Your Brewery: How to Save Money, Stay Legal and Drive Traffic to Your Venue

Dan Spears – BMI

This presentation will speak to the power of music in driving traffic to your brewery.   We will also discuss the steps a brewery needs to take to ensure they are legally covered to offer music. In addition, we will explore ways to save money when booking artists and bands.

Expectations + Engagement + Accountability = Positive results

Ryan Dennhardt – Ward Laboratories

In today’s workplace, achieving positive outcomes is more than just wishful thinking. It requires a strategic approach that starts with setting well-defined expectations. By communicating specific goals and standards, employees gain a clear understanding of what’s expected from them. This clarity acts as a foundation for success. However, expectations alone aren’t enough. Employee engagement plays a pivotal role. When employees are genuinely engaged in their work, they are more likely to invest time and effort into their tasks. This emotional commitment leads to increased creativity, productivity, and overall job satisfaction. To bridge the gap between expectations and results, appropriate accountability steps in. When employees are held accountable in a fair and supportive manner, they take ownership of their responsibilities. This accountability reinforces the connection between effort and outcomes, driving motivation and a sense of purpose. In conclusion, the equation for positive results is a balanced one. Begin with crystal-clear expectations, nurture employee engagement, and establish a system of accountability that fosters growth rather than fear. By applying this formula, organizations can unlock their full potential, witnessing increased productivity, innovation, and a thriving work culture.

Welcome to the ADIBE party

Delroy Waugh – ADIBE Collaborative

ADIBE is a new method for creating cultural change. It is, itself, inclusive of all concepts of the traditional Diversity & Inclusion approach: access, diversity, inclusion, belonging, and equity. Inherent in the name is also our order of operations — each of these pieces must be tackled, in that order, to create truly transformative and lasting change. This session will introduce attendees to the ADIBE framework, help them to understand why each component is important, and how to undertake meaningful work in each phase of the process.

The Power of Intersectionality

Delroy Waugh – ADIBE Collaborative

This interactive training session dives into how our identities interact to create privilege that may shape our workplace experiences. Learners will explore the effects of intersecting identities, how they impact opportunities, advantages and disadvantages, and discuss how they can use intersectionality to build more inclusive environments in the workplace.

We’ll establish “group norms” to create a brave and safe space for this discussion to thrive, but this session is not meant for new learners. At least an introductory understanding of diversity and inclusion topics, including power, privilege, intersectionality, and equity, is encouraged to fully participate in this session.

The Distribution Relationship

Robert “Chas” Runco – Runco & Proffitt, P.C.

Entering into a relationship with a distributor is one of the most important decisions your brewery will make. Ensuring your agreement with that distributor is compliant with franchise laws while providing your brewery with as much protection as possible is paramount. This presentation will go over negotiating distribution agreements, the applicability of franchise laws, terminating agreements, sales of distributors, and steps breweries can take to guard themselves. This presentation is appropriate for those who are considering signing with a distributor or those who are already in a distribution agreement.

Converting To a brewpub

Robert “Chas” Runco – Runco & Proffitt, P.C.

Darren Boyd – Spangalang Brewing

Chuck Grist, Owner – Grist Brewing

Eric Wallace, Co-Founder/CEO – Left hand Brewing

Want to sell other alcohol beverages in your taproom? Want to add food? Hear from a panel of owners who have made the decision to convert their manufacturing license to a brew pub license. They will discuss why they made the change, the benefits, the drawbacks, and everything they’ve learned along the way.

Bridging Brews & Buds:
Legal and Collaborative Insights at the Brewing-Cannabis Nexus

Conner G. Eversole

Craig Small

Matt Olson

Explore the exciting intersection of brewing and cannabis. Our expert speakers will tackle essential topics at the crossroads of these industries. Learn about the nuances of Dram Shop laws and liabilities in a brewing and cannabis context, understand the complexities of Workers’ Comp liabilities and drug testing when the two worlds collide, and gain valuable insights into collaborations while navigating ownership issues. Join us for an enlightening discussion that will help you navigate the evolving landscape of brewing and cannabis partnerships while staying compliant with the law. Don’t miss this chance to tap into the future of these dynamic industries!